Cultural Awareness & Capability Training

An essential investment for any modern business that wants to foster a diverse and inclusive work environment for its people .

Yarnnup has redefined what it means to be culturally competent by blending two worlds (Aboriginal and Western) and providing participants with a take-away toolkit via an evidence based action plan to ensure individuals develop the attributes required to engage effectively with First Nations peoples, organisations and communities. Rally your team and join us on the path to cultural competency.


How Aboriginal cultural awareness and capability training can benefit your business

In today’s marketplace, having a culturally aware and capable workforce can provide numerous benefits to your business. Some of these benefits include:

kind words

Hear what our clients have to say.

Helping our clients move strategically forward through:


Participants have been through a YarnnUp face to face session


Industries have engaged with YarnnUp across a variety of training offerings


Rating of 5/5 from participants across all our completed training to-date

our workshops

Essential themes and elements of YarnnUp's Aboriginal Cultural Awareness and Capability


work with us

What are the methods of facilitation for YarnnUp’s Aboriginal Cultural Awareness and Capability

All our programs can be delivered face to face or online and can be tailored to your organisational needs.

90 minutes (face to face or online)

An overview of culture and key events that shaped Aboriginality today and the impact it has had. This is accompanied by strategies to begin positive interaction and engagement with First Nations colleagues, customers and organisations through awareness and competency.

Half day (face to face or online)

An interactive and engaging approach that focuses on the key areas for building First Nations cultural awareness and capability to ensure participants have the tools necessary to participate effectively cross culturally through the application of a tailored action plan. 4 hours duration.

Full day (face to face)

7 hours duration. An in-depth training session that immerses participants and builds their capability and skill set through active scenarios and practical skill development. Participants walk away with the confidence to engage effectively with the First Nations colleagues, customers and organisations.

2 Day Intensive (face to face)

A two-day intensive that involves one day of cultural awareness training and a second day of workshop style development that builds the cultural capability of participants through professional development skills and strategies that blend Aboriginal wisdom, neuroscience and western academia. Includes scenarios, role plays and emotionally engaging activities.

2 Day Immersion (face to face)

For clients looking to delve deep and immerse their staff in Cross Cultural Capability, we offer a 2-day immersion training. Our general approach is to deliver Day 1 training Off-Country to provide deep theoretical cultural context and build the capacity of participants, which is then followed by Day 2, a full day immersion On-Country in areas of local significance. This provides the emotional connection to the content provided on Day 1 as well as active engagement with local First Nations peoples and activities.

YarrnUp’s Additional Training Catalogue

YarnnUp has a suite of training programs as part of its professional development catalogue of resources. All the below training topics can be delivered with or without an Aboriginal lens and context. Our expert facilitators with backgrounds in neuroscience and behavioural psychology have worked with the world’s most prominent brands to upskill their workforces. 

Enquire today to find out about our range of training topics:

Unlock your business's potential with YarnnUp's Aboriginal Cultural Awareness and Capability

YarnnUp has a proven track record of delivering effective cultural awareness and capability training to companies of all sizes and industries. Our team consists of experienced trainers who are knowledgeable, approachable, charismatic and committed to helping your employees learn and grow.

YarnnUp has developed a proven evidence-based approach to improving intercultural competence among teams and individuals. By taking our cultural awareness training, your team will be better equipped to navigate cultural differences and build stronger, more successful relationships with diverse clients and partners. Don’t miss out on the benefits of our Aboriginal cultural awareness training – contact us today.

Frequently asked questions

What is the difference between YarnnUp’s Aboriginal cultural awareness training and its Aboriginal cultural capability training?
Cultural awareness refers to the presentation of cultural knowledge, practices and protocols which can include historical and present day context and how to navigate cultural settings. Cultural capability refers to building the capacity and skillset of individuals to engage more effectively cross culturally through professional development and evidence based practice within an Aboriginal lens. This approach includes cultural awareness but builds on this to deliver capacity building solutions for attendees.
What makes YarnnUp’s Aboriginal cultural awareness and capability training stand-out compared to other Aboriginal cultural awareness and cultural capability training providers?

YarnnUp has a unique approach to Aboriginal cultural awareness and capability training by blending Aboriginal philosophy with western academia including neuroscience, emotional and cultural intelligence to upskill participants and provide an actionable strategy to walk away with that allows individuals to continue building their capability to engage cross-culturally. Other Aboriginal cultural awareness and capability training programs provide relevant cultural insight but fail to provide adequate tangible skills for participants to utilise in their day to day engagements with individuals, businesses and communities.

What is the YarnnUp’s Aboriginal cultural awareness and capability training format and how long does each session go for?

Our Aboriginal cultural awareness and capability training can be customised based on the needs of your organisation. We can deliver lunch and learn style sessions which are shorter more express versions or longer format options based on the appetite of the business.

Our standard and most popular offerings are a 2-hour session, 4-hour (half day) session and 7-hour (full day) program. We do also have popular 2 day programs, one of which is a deep dive into cultural capability building and involves theoretically and scenario based training on how to engage most effectively with First Nations peoples. Our second 2-day session is an Aboriginal cultural immersion held on country engaging with local traditional custodians and provides hands-on Aboriginal cultural exploration blended with a second day that unpacks theoretical components and methodology on how to most effectively flex on your own cultural values to best navigate cultural discussions and engagement.

our approach

Our values are our beating heart.


The practice of passing stories through generations is the reason why Aboriginal culture has thrived. It is essential to us.


We place great importance in being consistent in our values and actions. Put simply, we don't just talk the talk. We walk the walk.


We create real social impact for Aboriginal communities across Australia. Our training and policy reforms have an impact on both an individual and organisational level.


We are advocates for diversity of thought. Our business is firmly based on this principle, whether applying it to our training sessions or consultancy services.

our clients

Trusted by Australia's leading brands and organisations.

let's have a yarn

Partner with Australia’s Premier Aboriginal Social Change Agency.

YarnnUp acknowledges the profound history of this country.

We honour and recognise the fact that First Nations peoples, our people, have cared for and safeguarded the lands we now call home.

YarnnUp acknowledges the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the Traditional Custodians of this land. To the Elders past and present, please accept our respects on behalf all nations and language groups. We thank you for allowing YarnnUp to work across the beautiful lands of Australia.